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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Morning Ritual

Gratitude - Vision - Meditation - Reading - Journaling

I start each day with my morning spiritual practice.  I have discovered that this practice keeps me grounded and centered.  When I am grounded and centered, life's daily occurrences are always surmountable.

Through trial and error, I have incorporated the following activities into each morning:
1.  Gratitude List - I say aloud three to five people/places/things that have enhanced my life.
2.  Vision - I scan my vision board.  I made sure that I look at each item on my board and see it manifesting into my life.
3.  Meditation - I sit still and listen to my breathing and the sounds of Nature for a minimum of 5 to 15 minutes.
4.  Reading - I will read a spiritual book for 5 to 15 minutes (sometimes longer).
5.  Journaling - I take the time each day to translate the thoughts in my head onto paper.  I have discovered that this practice provides me with additional clarity.

I would love to hear what morning practices you are currently using that keep you grounded and centered.

May YOU live long and THRIVE!

1 comment:

  1. When I'm good I get up and read for 5-10 minutes. I'm doing A Course in Miracles right now. Then I write for 5-10 minutes. Then I do yoga, while listening to Krishna Das music, and if I have time I sit in meditation at the end for 5 minutes. I've been doing it less and staying in bed more often. Thanks for the reminder that the extra time in bed does nothing for my life, while the spiritual practice makes me feel good all day.
