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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Life Happens For Us, Not to Us

"Pain pushes you - until your vision pulls you. You will be pushed by the Universe to grow, often through painful measures, until you surrender to the higher vibration that is seeking to evolve through you. (Rev. Michael Beckwith)."

As I reflect on my past years, there were times in which I KNEW that "job", that "friendship", that "love relationship", or that "living environment" was as good as it gets only to have those situations end, often times against my will, and be replaced by situations that were more spiritually fulfilling and rewarding.

Today, I trust the Universe.  I know that the Universe is good and is conspiring daily to move me (sometimes push me) in a greater expression of self.

In trusting this process, I have learned to get out of my own way by:
1.  Eliminating self-limiting thoughts and replacing them with affirming thoughts.
2.  Staying grounded and focused on a daily basis by reading spiritually enlightening books, meditating, and journaling.
3.  Surrounding myself with people that uplift me energetically versus people that emotionally drain me.

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