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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Are you living your life by DESIGN or DEFAULT?

I recently reviewed the findings of a study conducted by a professor at Dominican University of California regarding the benefits of writing down goals.  The study involved a few hundred people that was divided into two groups.  Group A was asked to simply think about their goals.  Group B was asked to write down their goals, action commitments, and share their goals with someone else.  The end of the study revealed that Group A accomplished 43% of their goals, while Group B accomplished 76% of their goals.

I too, see the value, of writing down our goals.

I would like to offer the following suggestions regarding goal-setting:

1.  Sit quietly and allow yourself to brainstorm about your goals.
2.  Write down your goals (including the timeline for their actualization).
3.  Review your goals on a quarterly basis to ensure that the goals are still relevant.
4.  Reward yourself when you actualize your goal(s)

Remember that you are worthy of greatness!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Morning Ritual

Gratitude - Vision - Meditation - Reading - Journaling

I start each day with my morning spiritual practice.  I have discovered that this practice keeps me grounded and centered.  When I am grounded and centered, life's daily occurrences are always surmountable.

Through trial and error, I have incorporated the following activities into each morning:
1.  Gratitude List - I say aloud three to five people/places/things that have enhanced my life.
2.  Vision - I scan my vision board.  I made sure that I look at each item on my board and see it manifesting into my life.
3.  Meditation - I sit still and listen to my breathing and the sounds of Nature for a minimum of 5 to 15 minutes.
4.  Reading - I will read a spiritual book for 5 to 15 minutes (sometimes longer).
5.  Journaling - I take the time each day to translate the thoughts in my head onto paper.  I have discovered that this practice provides me with additional clarity.

I would love to hear what morning practices you are currently using that keep you grounded and centered.

May YOU live long and THRIVE!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Life Happens For Us, Not to Us

"Pain pushes you - until your vision pulls you. You will be pushed by the Universe to grow, often through painful measures, until you surrender to the higher vibration that is seeking to evolve through you. (Rev. Michael Beckwith)."

As I reflect on my past years, there were times in which I KNEW that "job", that "friendship", that "love relationship", or that "living environment" was as good as it gets only to have those situations end, often times against my will, and be replaced by situations that were more spiritually fulfilling and rewarding.

Today, I trust the Universe.  I know that the Universe is good and is conspiring daily to move me (sometimes push me) in a greater expression of self.

In trusting this process, I have learned to get out of my own way by:
1.  Eliminating self-limiting thoughts and replacing them with affirming thoughts.
2.  Staying grounded and focused on a daily basis by reading spiritually enlightening books, meditating, and journaling.
3.  Surrounding myself with people that uplift me energetically versus people that emotionally drain me.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Books that Inspire Growth

I enjoy reading books that enlighten and inspire me to move into a greater expression of myself.  The following books have been catalysts for personal growth and change:

1.   "This Thing Called You" by Ernest Holmes
2.   "Think and Grow Rich (Original Text)" by Napoleon Hill
3.   "A Course in Miracles"
4.   "Ask and It is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks
5.   "The Pathway to Roses" by Christian Larson
6.   "Radical Forgiveness" by Colin Tipping
7.   "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz
8.   "Wherever You Go, There You Are" by Jon Kabat Zinn
9.   "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
10. "Tao Te Ching"
11.  ?   Can you recommend a book that helped you get out of your own way?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happiness is Your Birthright!

"Be not content with future happiness (ACIM). Happiness and joy are your birthright. What people/places/thoughts are you holding onto that are preventing you from experiencing happiness and joy today?  I believe we should ask ourselves the following questions with regards to the people/places/thoughts that are presently in our life:  

1.  Does my interaction with that "person" empower/energize me -OR- drain my energy?
2.  When I leave that "place" do I feel energized -OR- do I feel drained?
3.  When I have that "thought" do I feel happy -OR- sad?

What do you need to do today to FREE yourself from all people/places/thoughts that do empower you?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Growing Pains

"... to truly live life to its fullest requires us to constantly stretch and grow into a greater expression of ourselves."